JUMP TOTokeny Servicing APIaccounts👑 List AccountsgetCreate AccountpostGet Accountgetapi-keys👑 List API Keysget👑 Get one API KeygetCreate API keyputDelete one API Keydeleteauth/api/auth/signuppost/api/auth/signinpost/api/auth/confirmget/api/auth/resendconfirmationget/api/auth/requestaccesspostbillboardList of all billboard offers: active and inactivegetList of all billboard offers created by requester usergetList of billboard offers not created by requester usergetGet one of Billboard OffergetGet one of Billboard OffergetGet one of Billboard Offer contact informationgetGet one of Billboard Offer contact information by holdergetCreate a billboard offerpostActivate one Billboard OfferpostDeactivate one Billboard OfferpostCancel one Billboard OfferpostComplete one Billboard OfferpostList of all billboard ACTIVE offers by marketplace used by issuergetList of all billboard offers by marketplace: active and inactivegetList of all billboard offers by marketplace: active and inactive created by ssoidgetCreate billboard settingspostGet billboard settingsgethealth/api/healthgetholdersImport Many HolderspostGet Me HoldergetUpdate Loged Holderpatch/api/holdersgetGet HoldergetWhitelist a list of investorspostmigrationsPatch holders in identity service with current walletspatchissuersGet issuer by issuer idgetGet issuersgetCreate IssuerpostInitiate deploy a tokenpostGet TokengetCreate an upload request for an Issuer logopostGet IssuergetGet issuer portal TokensgetGet required claims associated with all tokens linked to the issuergetmarketplace-portalsGet marketplaces of a logged usergetGet Tokens from a marketplace of a logged usergetGet unread message counts from a marketplace of a logged usergetGet pending request counts from a marketplace of a logged usergetGet current billboard offers from a marketplace portal of a logged usergetGet projects for a marketplacegetCreate projects for a marketplacepostGet projects for a marketplace the investor is authorized to manage.getGet support email for a marketplacegetUpdate projects for a marketplaceputDelete a project for a marketplacedeleteUpdate status of a marketplace projectpostmarketplace-billboardCreate billboard settings for a marketplacepostGet one of Marketplace Billboard SettingsgettemplatesGet Marketplace Email TemplategetGet Email TemplategetmessagesCreate a message to a list of recipientpostList messagesgetList messagesgetget attachment by idgetportalsGet Tokens from a portal of a logged user.getGet public tokens from a portalgetposition-reportsList Token Position ReportsgetGenerate Token Position ReportspostGet a token position report previously generatedgetGet token position report csvgettokensCreate a new KYC check for a given token and identity ID. Requires APIKEY with permission CREATE_KYC_STATUS for the tokenpostGet the requests flow operations for a given tokengetGet my sent or received requests flow operations for a given tokengetCreate a new conditional transfer for a given tokenpostValidate a previously-created conditional transferpostCancel a previously-created conditional transferpostApprove or reject an existing DvD transferpostCancel an existing DvD transferpostGet balances of accounts in the provided tokengetGet Token balances list for my own holder (paginated).getGet Token DocumentsgetGet TokenHoldergetGet TokenHolders from a tokengetGet TokenHolders from a token csvgetGet TokenHoldergetRevoke TokenHolderpostGet Holder document download linkgetGet CandidatesgetGet candidates csvgetGet Holder main datagetUpdate candidate KYC statuspostTrigger a candidate's KYC status checkpostGet TokengetRetrieve ownergetGet Token linksgetCreate Upload Request for a Logo TokenpostMint token to walletspostMint tokenpostBurn tokens from walletspostBurn tokenspostFreeze walletspostFreeze a walletpostUnfreeze a walletpostFreeze tokens from walletspostPartial freeze tokenspostUnfreeze tokens from walletspostPartial unfreeze tokenspostForced tokens transferpostPause tokenpostUnpause tokenpostRecovery tokens of a walletpostGet list of accessible tokensgetGet list of stable TokensgetGet Token data with valuation by only qualified holdersgetGet TokengetDeletes a non-deployed tokendeleteGet list of tokens linked to a given qualificationgetList the Token transactions for the curent usergetList Token TransactionsgetGet token transactions csvgetList Token TransactionsgetValidate Direct TransferpostBroadcast Increase AllowancepostBroadcast DFNS TransferpostValidate DvD TransferpostCreate DvD TransferpostBroadcast Increase AllowancepostValidate mint tokenpostValidate burning tokens from walletspostValidate freezing tokens from walletspostValidate unfreezing tokens from walletspostValidate forced tokens transferpostValidate pause of tokenpostValidate unpause of tokenpostGet list of token's operationsgetUpdate Token ValuationpostGet price history for a token.getGet price history for a token for an investor.getUpdate the Information of a Token.postUpdate the Information of a Token Owner.postLog TransactionHash of the provided token owner action.postsubscriptionsRetrieve issuer's subscriptions for a token.getCreate a token subscription with an intervalpostRetrieve issuer's subscription by IDgetUpdate a subscriptionputCreates a btc address poolpostCreate batch btc address poolpostAdd an interval to a subscriptionpostUpdate a subscription intervalputRetrieve investor orders by subscription and tokengetCreate an order on behalf of an investorpostRetrieve investor order by order IDgetCancel investor orders by IDpostSet price for many investor orderspostConfirm investor orders by IDpostBatch confirm investor orders by IDspostAutomatic investor order reconciliation by IDpostCancel many investor orders by IssuerpostRetrieve investor's docusign url by IDgetRetrieve exchange rate by issuergetRetrieve all currency pairsgetUpdate exchange rates for all currency pairspostRefund many investor orders by IssuerpostMint many investor orders by IssuerpostExport token investor orders in CSV file formatgetRetrieve investor's token subscriptionsgetRetrieve investor's subscription by IDgetRetrieve your own investor ordersgetCreate an investor orderpostRetrieve exchange rate by investorgetCancel an investor order by IDpostConfirm by ID that an investor order by IDpostConfirm an order to PENDING PAYMENT in behalf of an investorposttoken-documentsRetrieve token documents for investor by token IDgetDelete token document by token ID and urlputUpdate token document by token ID and urlputUpload document for a tokenposttoken-holdersGet holder by token and walletgettoken-permissionsList of accounts with permissions to the tokengetCreate account permissions to the tokenpostUpdate account agent wallet to the tokenputDelete an accounts permissions to the tokendeletetoken-agentAdd agent validationpostRemove agent validationdeletecexCreate cex accountpostList All Centralized ExchangesgetCreate Upload Request for a CEX logopostRetry failed cex creationputPartial update of cex entity.patchcex_tokenRetrieve all tokens allowed by CEX idgetRetrieve all deployed CEX by token idgetAllow deployed CEX to a tokenpostDisallow deployed CEX to a tokendeletecex-issuerReject an array of deposit walletspostRevoke a deposit walletpostDelete a deposit wallet requestdeleteList All Deposit Wallets for a CEX and a TokengetList All Deposit Wallets for a CEX and a Tokenputcex-investorCreate a deposit walletpostRetrieve allowed centralized exchanges for investorgetDelete a deposit wallet requestdeleteredemptionsFetch a redemption by idgetDelete a redemption by id.deleteUpdate a redemption by idpatchCreate a redemptionpostFetch exchange rates for a redemption for the investor by redemption idgetFetch exchange rates for a redemption by redemption idgetExport redemption orders in CSV file formatgettoken-redemptionsFetch all redemptions for a tokengetGet redemption config for the given tokengetredemption-ordersCreate a redemption orderpostRetrieve investor redemption ordersgetConfirm the payment for many redemption orderspostAccept many redemption orderspostGet redemption orders from a redemption configuration.getCreate a redemption order on behalf of an investorpostGet redemption order details from a redemption configuration.getGet redemption order details from a redemption configuration.getSet redemption order pricespostBurn a batch of Redemption OrderspostCancel a batch of redemption OrderspostCancels a redemption order for the investor by the order idpostRetrieve investor's docusign url by IDgetConfirm a redemption order to PENDING TO ACCEPT by IDpostnetworksRetrieve active networksgetdva-transfersInitiate DvA TransferpostApprove DvA TransferpostCancel DvA TransferpostReject DvA TransferpostBroadcast DvA Transfer RequestpostBroadcast Cancel DvA Transfer RequestpostBroadcast Approve DvA Transfer RequestpostLog DvA Transfer Approve RequestpostBroadcast Reject DvA Transfer RequestpostLog DvA Transfer Reject RequestpostIncrease AllowancepostGet all DvA transfers sent by qualified investor for tokengetGet all DvA transfers received by qualified investor for tokengetGets all DvA transfers of a token (as an issuer)getGet all DvA transfers the user is an approvergettoken-claims-actionsExecute an action over an existing claim to a tokenpostRetrieve the token required claimsgetExecute an action on default claims.postExecute an action on a specific default claim.postLog TransactionHash of the provided required claim action.posttoken-compliance-rulesRetrieve Token Compliance RulesgetCreate Token Compliance RulespostCreate Token Compliance Rule ActionpostToken Compliance Rule Action OperationspostLog TransactionHash of the Compliance Rule Action SteppostworkflowsGet all workflows created the accountgettoken-direct-transfersRetrieve transaction payloads to be signed for a new direct transfer.postPost TransactionHash of the provided direct transfer.postPost signed payloads from a direct transfer.postInvestor's language updatepost https://example.com/api/investor/languageUpdate investor's language.