Data model

The description of the model for projects used in our API


  • Category: Categories represent a class to regroup your projects.
  • Project: A project is an investment project to be presented in the Marketplace.
  • Issuer: An issuer is a legal entity holding a project.
  • Disclaimer: A disclaimer is a text to be displayed to investors.


A project is linked to one and only one issuer, but an issuer can be linked to several projects.
A project can be linked to several categories, a category can be linked to several projects.
A project can be linked to one and only one disclaimer, a disclaimer can be linked to one and only one project.

Project data model:

TitleYThe main title of your projectA tokenized venture fund opportunity
SubtitleNThe subtitle of your project
Small descriptionYA summary of your projectA revolutionary tokenization project in Luxembourg!
Long descriptionYA long description of your project. This is a rich text, where you can attach images to your textNEW project in Luxembourg!
Header imageYAn image to put on the header of your project, representing it.
DisclaimerYA list of disclaimers to be put to attention to your future investorsAliquam orci odio, congue ornare lobortis ullamcorper, sollicitudin at augue. Donec viverra, justo non egestas.
Investment detailsYA composite of the details related to your project
Project start dateYThe start date of your project01/01/2021
Project end dateYThe end date of your project01/01/2022
Token nameYThe name of the token representing your projectPykimmo
Token symbolYThe symbol of the token representing your projectPYK
Token standardYThe standard of the token representing your projectTREX
Token total supplyYThe total supply of tokens100000.000000
Target raiseYThe amount targeted for the raise of the project10000000
Investor typeYThe type of investor allowed to participate in your project. Either individual or institutionIndividual
Place of originYThe origin of the projectLuxembourg
JurisdictionYThe jurisdiction the project is submitted toEurope
IssuerYThe details of the issuer of the project
NameYThe name of the issuer of the projectImmo SARL
AddressYThe address where the issuer is registered1, Main Street, 1919 Luxembourg
Country of residenceYThe country where the issuer is locatedLuxembourg
Country of incorporationYThe country where the issuer is registeredLuxembourg
Registration numberYThe registration number of the issuer of the project1234567890
Minimal investmentYThe minimum investment amount10000
Maximal investmentYThe maximum investment amount20000
Last NAVYThe last NAV of the project1000
Soft capYThe soft cap of your project5000000
Hard capYThe hard cap of your project10000000
TeamYThe team behind your projectCan hold multiple items, one per team member
NameYThe name of the team member behind your projectJohn Doe
TitleYThe title of your team memberCEO
Profile imageYThe profile picture of your team member
DocumentsYThe documents linked to your projectAn array of fiels
Instrument typeYThe type of the underlying instrument of the projectFunds
Instrument identifierYThe identifier of the underlying instrument of the project1234567890
CurrenciesYThe currencies allowed for the projectEUR
Creation dateYThe creation date of the project02/04/2020
Last update dateYThe last update date of the project30/12/2020
Expiration dateYThe expiration date of your project02/01/2022
Last nav dateYThe date of the latest NAV refresh01/01/2021
Open to secondary tradingYIs the project open to secondary market after the cap(s) is(are) reached.Yes