- Objective
This Sustainability Policy formalises our commitment to supporting the principles of sustainability and recognises that a sustainable environment is central to our lives and our work. The objective of this Sustainability Policy is to set out sustainability commitments within the company. - Scope
This policy and associated procedures apply to all managers, employees and contractors working for the Company. - Commitments
The Company respects the natural environment and its ecosystems. We acknowledge the adverse impacts that human activity can impose and take actions to prevent degradation of those natural systems. In particular, the Company commits to the following principles and practices:
a) Monitoring and managing our environmental performance and working towards targets set to reduce adverse impacts: we aim to stay below a target of 0.1 tons of carbon emissions per year, as can be check in our AWS tracker.
b) Complying with applicable environmental laws: we ensure monitoring and compliance with EU environmental laws that are applicable to us.
c) Reducing the consumption of natural resources in daily operations: we encourage our staff to limit the consumption of paper and energy, and work with providers such as AWS Ireland which has infrastructures that are 95% powered by renewable energies.
d) Minimising pollution by taking steps to limit carbon emissions resulting from vehicle and air travel: we promote and encourage teleworking among our employees and contractors.
e) Where possible, encouraging suppliers to meet high standards of environmental performance: for example, Polygon, one of our preferred network providers, is carbon negative.
f) Promoting sustainability awareness: we communicate this policy to all employees, contractors and other relevant stakeholders, and measure targets and performance as part of a periodical review of this policy.
- Responsibility
This Sustainability Policy is the responsibility of the management of the Company, who shall ensure that it is periodically reviewed and monitor its implementation.
Updated 10 months ago