Migration of URLs to use the API Gateway

Make sure you follow this guide to keep access to the T-REX Engine after the 19th of February 2025

As a way to improve our API and to keep providing the best services, we’re rolling out the usage of an API gateway.

Part of this rollout is to deprecate the existing URLs you might be using (token-trading.tokeny.com, servicing-api.tokeny.com) to the address of the gateway (api.tokeny.com).

Those new URLs are already active, both in testing and production, and you can already start migrating as of today.

From the 19th of February 2025, only the new base URLs will be supported.

You can find below a quick recap of the soon-to-be deprecated URLs and their equivalent, both for testing and production.

Current base URLNew base URL using the API gateway

Do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected] in case you need any help or face any issue with the migration.