Wallets Management
Learn how to manage wallets linked to Identities
Managing wallets
Investor wallets
Types of wallets supported
T-REX Engine supports all EVM compatible wallets.
Assigning a wallet to an investor
At configuration level, for each token, you can decide to leave investors to use their own wallet through a compatible wallet provider, or to assign them a non custodial integrated wallet.
User managed wallets
wallets the wallets given by the investors that they manage on their own through their wallet provider of choice. To assign it to an investor, simply provide the address when creating the identity as seen above.
Integrated wallets
In the same creation of investor endpoint, leave the wallet address empty. The system will generate a non-custodial wallet for the investor.
Recovery feature
In case an investor loses the private key to their wallet, you can use the recovery function to assign a new wallet to the investor and transfer all their positions per ERC-3643 to the new wallet.
Note: You need to be agent of the ERC-3643 to be able to sign the blockchain operation
Owner wallets
When an ERC3643 is deployed through the platform, an owner wallet is required. It is the key that will let you control who can manage the token for you. Consider this as the Master Key to your ERC-3643: it is absolutely mandatory that this key is secured. The owner wallet cannot be restored nor forced.
Transferring the ownership of an ERC-3643 requires 4 different blockchain operations:
- Ownership of the Identity Registry smart contract
- Ownership of the Identity Registry Storage smart contract
- Ownership of the Trusted Claim Issuer smart contract
- Ownership of the Token smart contract
Transfer ownership of the token
Note: This operation is non reversible. Transferring the ownership of an ERC-3643 to an unknown wallet makes you lose all accesses to this ERC-3643. Proceed with care
You can, at any point in time, transfer the ownership of the token to another wallet. Owner wallets can be multisig wallets for example, or any other type of secured wallets you want to use.
Agent wallets
Assign wallets to agents
Agent wallets are an important key to the management of your ERC-3643. Those are the key which, onchain, will be allowed to perform certain actions on the ERC-3643 (authorising investors, managing the supply, authorising conditional transfers...).
To assign a wallet to an agent, simply provide the wallet address when creating the agent account.
Updating the wallet assigned to an agent
At the moment, it is not possible to update the wallet linked to an agent. Should you need to perform this action, you would first need to revoke the access, and then add it again.
Updated 5 months ago