Time Based Transfer Limits Module

This module limits the total volume of transfers an investor can execute within a customizable timeframe, focusing on peer-to-peer transactions rather than deposits to CEXs. It ensures that the overall volume of transfers remains within predefined limits, excluding transfers between an investor's own wallets to prevent self-transfer loopholes.



This event is emitted when the compliance contract is bound to the module
the event is emitted by 'bindCompliance'
_compliance is the address of the compliance contract being bound

event ComplianceBound(
  address indexed _compliance


This event is emitted when the compliance contract is unbound from the module
the event is emitted by 'unbindCompliance'
_compliance is the address of the compliance contract being unbound

event ComplianceUnbound(
  address indexed _compliance


This event is emitted whenever a transfer limit is updated for the given compliance address and limit time
the event is emitted by 'setTimeTransferLimit'
compliance is the compliance contract address
_limitValue is the new limit value for the given limit time
_limitTime is the time of the limit

event TimeTransferLimitUpdated(
  address indexed compliance, 
  uint32 limitTime, 
	uint256 limitValue



Binds the module to a compliance contract. Once the module is bound, the compliance contract can interact with the module.
parameter 1: _compliance the address of the compliance contract
emits a ComplianceBound event
This function can be called ONLY by the compliance contract itself (_compliance), through the addModule function, which calls bindCompliance the module cannot be already bound to the compliance.

function bindCompliance(
	address _compliance
) external;


Unbinds the module from a compliance contract. Once the module is unbound, the compliance contract cannot interact with the module anymore.
parameter 1: _compliance the address of the compliance contract.
emits a ComplianceUnbound event
This function can be called ONLY by the compliance contract itself (_compliance), removeModule function, which calls unbindCompliance.

function unbindCompliance(
	address _compliance
) external;


Getter for compliance binding status on module
parameter 1: _compliance the address of the compliance contract.
returns TRUE if the compliance is bound to the module, FALSE otherwise

function isComplianceBound(
	address _compliance
) external view returns (bool);


Sets the limit of tokens allowed to be transferred in the given time frame
This function can only be called by a compliance smart contract
parameter 1: _limit Limit time and value
emits a TimeTransferLimitUpdated event

function setTimeTransferLimit(
	Limit calldata _limit
) external;


Function for getting transfer limits belongs to the compliance.
parameter 1: compliance the compliance smart contract address

Returns the array of limits set for that compliance.

function getTimeTransferLimits(
	address compliance
 ) external view returns (Limit[] memory);


The compliance check on the module for a specific transaction on a specific compliance contract. This function is used to check if the transfer is allowed by the module.
parameter 1: _from the address of the transfer sender
parameter 2: _to the address of the transfer receiver
parameter 3: _value the amount of tokens sent
parameter 4: _compliance the address of the compliance contract concerned by the transfer action
Returns TRUE if the module allows the transfer, FALSE otherwise

function moduleCheck(
	address _from, 
	address _to, 
	uint256 _value, 
	address _compliance
) external view;


The action performed on the module during a transfer action. It increases the transfer counters.
parameter 1: _from the address of the transfer sender
parameter 2: _to the address of the transfer receiver
parameter 3: _value the amount of tokens sent
This function can be called only on a compliance contract that is bound to the module

function moduleTransferAction(
	address _from, 
	address _to, 
	uint256 _value
) external;


The action performed on the module during a mint action. This function is used to update variables of the module upon minting if it is required. This function is not implemented in this contract.
parameter 1: _to the address used for minting
parameter 2: _value the amount of tokens minted
This function can be called only on a compliance contract that is bound to the module

function moduleMintAction(
	address _to, 
	uint256 _value
) external;


The action performed on the module during a burn action. This function is used to update variables of the module upon burning if it is required. This function is not implemented in this contract.
parameter 1: _from the address on which tokens are burnt
parameter 2: _value the amount of tokens burnt
This function can be called only on a compliance contract that is bound to the module

function moduleBurnAction(
	address _from, 
	uint256 _value
) external;

upgradeTo (UUPS)

Upgrade the implementation of the proxy to newImplementation

parameter 1: newImplementation the address of the new implementation contract.

This function can only be called by the proxy contract.

function upgradeTo(address newImplementation) public;